Granulated Cork

5,40 /kg

Granulated cork is used for a wide variety of applications.
You can use it for clearing up oil spills, for filler and insulator and also for creative processes.

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Granulated Cork insulator/creative processes – CORKCHO: 3 to 4mm

Granulated cork is used for a wide variety of applications and can be supplied at a wide range of mesh sizes and densities, ranging from fine powder to 12mm chips.
You can use it for clearing up oil spills, for filler and insulator and also for creative processes.
Cork granules can be used to make composite cork products, sports field infill, a soil conditioner, agglomerated wine corks, cork flooring, brake shoes, clutch plates, shoe soles, insulation cork blocks and so on, but granulated cork can also be purchased unprocessed to be used as an insulation filler.

Cork dust can be used for explosives and a super lightweight filler.
Its is an incredibly flexible material and some of the lesser known uses of granulated cork are:

Clearing up oil spills – because of its absorbency properties, it can be a very effective way of containing and cleaning up emergency spills.

Filler and Insulator – Being lightweight, natural and with insulation properties that synthetics cannot match, granulated cork has been used in countless applications.

Gardening – cork can be mixed with the soil to aid aeration, without recourse to synthetic materials.

Creative – cork grain can be used to add texture and organic effects to paint and other displays.

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