
NATURAL CORK STOPPER for Wine Bottling, Natural Cork Closure


Standard Sizes: 45×24; 38×24;
Qualities (available): High; Ordinary.

For the 49 and 54mm height and +24mm diameter orders please contact us for a Custom Order.

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Natural cork stopper ensures the sealing of wine in a glass recipient. If this sealing is prolonged over time it promotes the wine’s maturing, which is to say there is evolution by means of numerous physical and chemical processes between the components or between these and the substances inside the bottle. This gradual evolution of the bottled wine occurs in an environment with a very low oxygen content, but which is necessary and sufficient for the correct aging of the wine.

Until now, only the natural cork stopper has been able to provide this perfect balance, allowing for the correct evolution of the wine and the formation of the much appreciated “bouquet.” The bouquet consists of a set of pleasant aromas, which develop during the maturation period of bottled wine. It is a valued element, which depends on the intrinsic quality of the wine and the conditions in which it matures.
NATURAL CORK STOPPER is ideal for any kind of wine bottling. Its elasticity, compressibility, and cell constitution permit the STOPPER to adapt to any kind of bottleneck and preserve its content for some long-lasting period.
NATURAL CORK STOPPER is the perfect choice if you want to store a good quality wine for long future use.

Cork and wine were made for each other. The best wines in the world, the best wine producers in the world, prefer cork stoppers. Cork preserves the drink in centuries-old bottles of port, the world’s oldest malt whiskey, and the world’s most expensive whiskey, beer, and bottled water.

The production of a cork stopper is greener than the production of alternative seals. When analyzing the lifecycle of corks versus aluminum caps and plastic seals, cork stoppers present environmental advantages in different indicators compared to alternative closures.


Additional information

Weight N/A
Pack Of

5 corks, 100 corks, 1000 corks

Standard Sizes

45×24, 38×24


High (Super/Extra), Ordinary (1st & 2nd)

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